
Invest in your energy - 6 simple tips to kick that fatigue

Written by Hannah Fell | Mar 30, 2021 1:18:47 AM

Energy, we all need it, yet none of us seem to have it… What if I told you, you could have stable & thriving energy levels from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed... what a dream!

How I hear you say?!

Eat regular meals
Whether you eat breaky, intermittent fast or are a strict 3 meals per day kind of person, the key is routine. Eating at the same time each day will help support your bodies blood sugar levels and keep those energy levels stable.

Balance your blood sugar levels
Ever felt shaky, dizzy, a bit clammy or just generally fatigued? That could be your blood sugar screaming out for help. When we don’t eat frequent meals, our blood glucose drops (glucose is our bodies main energy source) and we can start to feel anxious, sweaty, moody, shaky & dizzy…not to mention hangry!

To stop this happening, it’s a simple fix. Eat! It sounds silly but it is so often the first thing to go when we get busy. Eating regularly will help balance your blood sugar levels and keep that energy up throughout the day.

If snacking is your jam, make sure your snacks are high in protein to satiate hunger, keep you fuller for longer and support your energy levels in between meals. High protein snacks will also help stop you reaching for the sugary snacks whilst cooking dinner… come on we all do it.

Balanced Meals

Focus on balancing your main meals with carbs, protein, healthy fats & an abundance of veggies. A balanced meal will help stabilise those blood sugar levels, increase those energy levels and help your mental clarity and productivity levels thrive!

If you’ve read our other blogs, you’ll know that we are all about sleep, we love it! No sleep = no energy, simple right? It’s a bit more in depth that that…a night here or there without sleep won’t cause you too much harm but continuous lack of quality sleep can lead to all sorts of drama! We're talking higher blood pressure, lowered immunity, lack of mental clarity, altered mental health, fatigue and lowered productivity levels to name a few!

Stress management
Stress, our favourite topic! Stress is one of the biggest drivers of illness in our eyes. Stress is inflammatory on our bodies, not only physically but also mentally, altering our mental and emotional state. Stress leads to high cortisol levels, our stress hormone, which can have an indirect impact on blood sugar levels, brain fog and fatigue – goodbye energy! Highly stressed? Read our blog on stress to find out more about stress and the body!